Bismillahir ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
We praise Alla, Ta'allah, and we thank Allah for all things. We testify there is no god, but Allah, and we testify that Muhammad ibn Abdullah is His slave and messenger (may Allah's peace mercy and blessings be upon him). To Proceed.
We are thankful to Allah for all of His blessings and for instrusting The Islamic Book Cafe to join the many Islamic bookstores in dispensing knowledge to Muslims and non-Muslims. Knowing the responsibility that we have on our shoulders as a bookstore, we have been very careful in selecting which Islamic books to list on our online Islamic bookstore.
We want to make it clear for all of our customers, so you know, you can trust the books we sell to you.
How We Choose Our Islamic Books
The Islamic Book Cafe never intended to be the biggest online Islamic bookstore in America or the world. Our goal was to get people to read and read books which were authentic.
When we choose our Islamic books we make sure that they are easy to read even if they consist of more than one volume. With an easy to read book, we find that they are more accessible to all ages, male and female. We do have more advanced books, but we believe with effort these titles are also accessible.
Next, we make sure the author is well known and or from the early generation of scholars. We have books that consist of commentaries from some of our more contemporary scholars who are known.
Further, we curate Islamic books that are heavily based upon the Qur'an and authentic hadith. If any of our books that we sell have weak hadith, the publisher includes a footnote. We will not include books with fabricated hadith no matter who the author is.
Why We Choose Classic Islamic Books Over Contemporary
We want our readers to have the most authentic books as possible in their library so that is why The Islamic Book Cafe prefers classical works over contemporary books.
Most of the authors we carry are from the earlier generations or they are students of the earlier generations. So, most of the contemporary authors will be quoting from them anyway.
To know your religion it is best to have learned it from the people who were among the first three generations and their students. That is why you will see us promoting more of the translated classical works.
This does not mean we will not stock books from contemporary writers, we will, their books just has to be heavily based upon the Qur'an and Sunnah. (send us your recommendations HERE)
About our Book Catagories
Our catagories are no different from other Islamic Bookstores. Our catagories consist of:
- Qur'an
- Tafseer
- Aqeedah
- Hadith
- Family
- Muslim women
- Fiqh
- Muslim Character
- Children (as per the date of this blog we are curating childrens books to add)
- Islamic history (as per date of this blog we are curating books for this section)
- Biographies
We are expanding each section slowly (we are very picky) but we hope to have something for everybody.
The Islamic Book Cafe's Favorite Collection
Our favorite collection on our website is from Dar as-Sunnah Publisher's Classic Collection. We really appreciate the fact that this publisher made classical works available to the English speaking world.
The Dar as-Sunnah books are usually small but packed with knowledge. These books will command your attention as you read through them. They usually take you through the Qur'an and hadith helping you gain a deeper understanding of revelation and the sayings of the Prophet.
Thank You For Shopping With The Islamic Book Cafe
The Islamic Book Cafe is really passionate about Allah, Islam, and knowledge as a whole. We deeply care about this Ummah uniting upon Tawheed, The Qur'an, and the Sunnah. We are passionate about providing knowledge to the Ummah that will change their lives and ultimately get them closer to Allah and be rewarded with Jannah. So we thank everyone who visits The Islamic Book Cafe's website and everyone who purchases their reading material through us. We hope you enjoy our collection of books, and we pray Allah makes it beneficial for you in this life and the next. Ameen
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